Hi Wendy, Claire + Mark! Your first round of proofs has arrived! Simply scroll through the thumbnails below to find your favorite! And remember, all we're hoping to accomplish with this round is to settle on a suite, color scheme and perhaps to give you a few options to consider for the final invitation style, so don't worry if you don't see the exact final design you have in mind (and don't worry over text...just tried to give you enough to help you envision the final version. :) This entire round is simply so we have a starting point from which to move forward into the complete suite. Please don't hesitate to call any time with questions or ideas...hope you love everything! Thanks again! xoxo, Sarah
which is your favorite?
CLIENT: Claire Gellman DATE: 12.11.13 PROOF #1: Color Selection
Please be aware that colors can vary wildly depending on your screen so please be sure to refer to our Swatchbook and Color Chart for exact colors.